Forcefully Selling Expensive Kimonos to Elderly

Crooked Businessman

 The City of Osaka judged Kimono Matsuba, a kimono seller, to have "failed to improve its aggressive sales".

According to Osaka City, Kimono Matsuba, a kimono retailer in the Kansai region, has been selling expensive kimonos and jewellry to elderly people living on pensions, and has received a number of complaints from their relatives and others claiming victimisation.

Many of them were said to suffer from dementia, and Osaka City had issued three corrective recommendations in June last year, September last year and May this year. However, as there has been no improvement in the sales situation, Osaka City decided to publish the name on 1 September.

The president of Kimono Matsuba was arrested and summarily prosecuted last year for fraudulently selling kimonos to elderly people by forcing them to pay in instalments in advance without permission from the government. 


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