Want to Pass on Kimono Culture to Next Generation; 92.5% of Respondents


Hon Kimono Matsuba Co. Ltd, a kimono specialist that runs dressing classes, has conducted a survey on people's attitudes towards kimonos.

Survey overview

Survey population: men and women from under 20s to over 60s nationwide.
Number of respondents: 200
Survey period: 10 - 14 September 2022

Question: Have you ever enjoyed wearing a kimono at a tourist destination?

11.5% said yes, and 88.5% said no.

A question for those who answered yes, did you leave with unusual memories of your trip?

  • I have good memories because I wore a kimono to a festival in the place I was travelling to. (30s / male)
  • I was approached by foreign tourists and had my photo taken, and enjoyed the different atmosphere. (30s / female)
  • I walked around Kyoto in a kimono. It was very memorable. (Under 20s / female)
  • I was very happy that I looked good in the photos and received many compliments from overseas tourists! (Under 20s / female)
  • It was a very good memory. (50s / female)
  • I asked a professional photographer to take our photos. (30s / female)

Question: If you had the opportunity to wear a kimono, would you like to?

75% said yes, and 25% no.

A question for those sho answered yes, on what occasions would you like to wear a kimono?

  • I'd like to walk along the street of food stalls on a summer night. (50s / male)
  • I'd like to wear it to family weddings and other formal occasions. ( 30s / female)
  • I would like to have more opportunities to wear a kimono more casually, such as when meeting friends or going out to dinner. (50s / female)
  • I want to wear a kimono at events such as fireworks displays and festivals, which are a summer tradition. (30s /male)
  • Kimonos used to be very expensive until recently, but nowadays there're some at reasonable prices, so I feel I can wear them casually. I'd like to walk in a kimono in a sightseeing spot with an old townscape. (40s/ female)
  • I wanna celebrate my child's wedding in a kimono because it's a special occasion. (60s+ / female)
  • I would like to take part in my child's events (graduation ceremony, entrance ceremony, Shichi-Go-San, etc.) wearing a suit for ease of movement, but I would like to dress neatly in a kimono and leave behind memorable photos. (30s /female)

Question: Do you want to pass on kimono culture to the next generation?

92.5% said yes and 7.5% said no.

The survey conducted this time revealed that more than 90% of respondents want to pass on kimono culture to the next generation. Some also said that they would like to have more opportunities to go out wearing kimonos, enjoy walking around town in kimonos, and wear kimonos on formal occasions.
Kimonos are useful in a wide range of situations, from special events to everyday outings. 

Why not enjoy it casually as an everyday attire?


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